CHASS Staff Directory
Keri Adams, MA & Museum Studies Certificate
E-mail: madams@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-5275
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3209Sara Adkins
E-mail: sadkins@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/A
Jackson Bernhardt
E-mail: jbernhardt@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-4709
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro HallMarie-Cécile Bertau, Ph.D.
E-mail: mbertau@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-0616
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 216Ryan Black
E-mail: rblack@west
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingKeith Bohannon, Ph.D.
E-mail: kbohanno@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-6045
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3247Cassandra Bolar, Ph.D.
E-mail: cbolar@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-0614
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 117Stacy Boyd, Ph.D.
E-mail: sboyd@west
Phone: 678-839-0657
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 326Philip Brewer
E-mail: pbrewer@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Off CampusDilon Bryan, M.M.
E-mail: dilonb@we
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingJosh Byrd, D.M.A.
E-mail: jbyrd@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-6267
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 109C
Andrew Carter, M.A.
E-mail: acarter@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6305
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Waring Archaeology LabKevin Casper, Ph.D.
E-mail: kcasper@westg
Phone: 678-839-4157
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 324Stephanie Chalifoux, Ph.D.
E-mail: schalifo@westg
Phone: 678-839-6043
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3210Alex Claussen, Ph.D.
E-mail: aclaussen@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 212Noah Cochran, Ph.D.
E-mail: ncochran@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 221Warren Coker, D.M.A.
E-mail: wcoker@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5450
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingDavid Collins, M.F.A.
E-mail: dcollins@wes
Phone: 678-839-4958
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts Building Room: 114Adam Connell
E-mail: aconnell@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ALisa Connell, Ph.D.
E-mail: lconnell@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5956
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 213Nicole Crawford
E-mail: ncrawford@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-6515
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AAmy Cuomo, Ph.D.
E-mail: acuomo@w
Phone: 678-839-4703
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro Hall Room: 202C
Betsy Dahms, Ph.D.
E-mail: edahms@we
Phone: 678-839-5967
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 217James Davis, M.F.A.
E-mail: jamesd@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-2265
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts BuildingMichael de Nie, Ph.D.
E-mail: mdenie@westg
Phone: 678-839-6033
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3204James Dillon, Ph.D.
E-mail: jdillon@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-0607
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 116Erin Dixon, M.F.A.
E-mail: edixon@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5530
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 356Karen Dollinger, Ph.D.
E-mail: kdolling@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5957
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 310 AMaria Doyle, Ph.D.
E-mail: mdoyle@wes
Phone: 678-839-2356
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 322William Drumm
E-mail: wdrumm@w
Phone: 678-839-6415
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/ADusty Dye
E-mail: ddye@w
Phone: 678-839-4883
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3214
Jennifer Egas, M.Ed.
E-mail: jegas@westga .edu
Phone: 251-270-1193
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Off CampusSarah Elias, D.M.A.
E-mail: selias@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 338AMark Ellingsen
E-mail: mellingsen@we
Phone: 678-839-6415
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AShelly Elman, M.F.A.
E-mail: relman@wes
Phone: 678-839-4704
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro Hall Room: 207CPatrick Erben, Ph.D.
E-mail: perben@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6144
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 316Claire Ezekiel, M.A.
E-mail: cezekiel@w
Phone: 678-839-5964
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 216
Elizabeth Falconi, Ph.D.
E-mail: efalconi@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-6458
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1213Lori Fountain
E-mail: lfountain@w
Phone: 678-839-3819
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/AMatt Franks, Ph.D.
E-mail: mfranks@w
Phone: 678-839-4875
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 314Gregory Fraser, Ph.D.
E-mail: gfraser@w
Phone: 678-839-4856
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Humanities Building Room: 141Christine Fuchs, M.A., M.F.A.
E-mail: cfuchs@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Old Auditorium Room: 201Yvonne Fuentes, Ph.D.
E-mail: yfuentes@w
Phone: 678-839-5335
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 211
Pauline Gagnon, Ph.D.
E-mail: pgagnon@w
Phone: 678-839-5450
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro HallJohn Garner, Ph.D.
E-mail: jgarner@west
Phone: 678-839-4886
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3225Allison Garrett
E-mail: agarrett@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingMaria Constanza Garrido Sierralta, M.A.
E-mail: mgarrido@w
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AJacob Glazier, Ph.D.
E-mail: jglazier@w
Phone: 678-839-0609
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 118Leah Gossett
E-mail: lgossett@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-6415
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/AKaren Graffius, Ph.D.
E-mail: kgraffiu@wes
Phone: 678-839-6276
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 328Nisha Gupta, Ph.D.
E-mail: ngupta@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-0698
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 205
Alzbeta Hajkova
E-mail: ahajkova@w
Phone: 678-839-5664
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3202Erin Hammel
E-mail: ehammel@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6415
Department: Dean's Office CHASS
Location: Humanities Building Room: 138Rebecca Harrison, Ph.D.
E-mail: rharriso@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-4868
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 315Tobin R. Hart, Ph.D.
E-mail: thart@west
Phone: 678-839-0603
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 106Leah Haught, Ph.D.
E-mail: lhaught@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-2242
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 319Deirdre Haywood-Rouse
E-mail: dhaywood@w
Phone: 678-839-5400
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/AJames Christopher Head, Ph.D.
E-mail: jchead@we
Phone: 678-839-0620
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 219Kathryn Henderson
E-mail: khenderso@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ASarah Hersh, M.M.
E-mail: shersh@westg
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingAllison Holland
E-mail: agholland@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6515
Department: Dean's Office CHASS
Location: Humanities Building Room: 137Juliette Hopkins
E-mail: julietteh@west
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/AJennifer Horne
E-mail: jrhorne@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6415
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 357Emily Hunt, M.M.
E-mail: ehunt@westg
Phone: 678-839-5219
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro Hall Room: 204APam Hunt Kirk, Ph.D.
E-mail: phunt@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6336
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 205
Angela Insenga, Ph.D.
E-mail: ainsenga@w
Phone: 678-839-4864
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 313
Mark Janzen
E-mail: mjanzen@west
Phone: N/A
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3211Corri Johanson, PhD
E-mail: cjohanson@we
Phone: 678-839-5414
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 209Corri Johanson, PhD
E-mail: cjohanson@w
Phone: 678-839-5414
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 209Joseph Johnson
E-mail: josephj@westg
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/A
Rachael Karas
E-mail: rkaras@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/AAramide Kazeem, Ph.D.
E-mail: akazeem@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-3780
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: Pafford 207Anna Keiserman
E-mail: akeiserm@w
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/ARobert Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
E-mail: rkilpatr@west
Phone: 678-839-5960
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 208AKellen King
E-mail: kellenk@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/APerry Kirk, M.F.A.
E-mail: pkirk@w
Phone: 678-839-0494
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 236Anca Koczkas, Ph.D.
E-mail: akoczkas@west
Phone: 678-839-5961
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Cobb Hall Room: 132Neill Korobov, Ph.D.
E-mail: nkorobov@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-0608
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 107Elizabeth Kramer, Ph.D.
E-mail: ekramer@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6270
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 332
Richard La Fleur, Ph.D
E-mail: rlafleur@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5414
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 203Ryan Lamfers, M.F.A.
E-mail: rlamfers@west
Phone: 678-839-4945
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts Building Room: 118Robert Lane, Ph.D.
E-mail: rlane@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-4745
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3207Nathan Lawres, Ph.D., R.P.A.
E-mail: nlawres@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6451
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1216Adilene López Valenzuela
E-mail: alvalenzuela@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ACharles Lipp, Ph.D.
E-mail: clipp@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6039
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3217Cynthia Lollis, M.F.A.
E-mail: clollis@westg
Phone: 678-839-4963
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts Building Room: 127Paul Luken, Ph.D.
E-mail: pluken@we
Phone: 678-839-3819
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/AGeoffrey Lundeen
E-mail: glundeen@w
Phone: N/A
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Humanities BuildingMaria Lundin, M.A.
E-mail: mlundin@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-6521
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 227
Elaine MacKinnon, Ph.D.
E-mail: emcclarn@west
Phone: 678-839-6048
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3222Corey Maggiano, Ph.D.
E-mail: cmaggian@westg
Phone: 678-839-6456
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1217Isabel Maggiano, Ph.D.
E-mail: imaggian@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-6450
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1219Patricia Martin
E-mail: pmartin@westg
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Gunn Hall Room: A216Sarah Mason, M.F.A.
E-mail: smason@w
Phone: 678-839-6521
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 224Elizabeth McClure-Frank
E-mail: efrank@wes
Phone: 678-839-4706
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro Hall Room: 202BDawn McCord, D.M.A.
E-mail: dmccord@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingLara McCormick
E-mail: lmccormi@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ACasey McGuire, M.F.A.
E-mail: cmcguire@wes
Phone: 678-839-4952
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts Building Room: 119Rebecca McGuire
E-mail: rmcguire@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6303
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Waring Archaeology LabEmily McKendry-Smith, Ph.D.
E-mail: emckendr@w
Phone: 678-839-5404
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 219Laura Miller, Ph.D.
E-mail: lmiller@w
Phone: 678-839-4891
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 321Margaret Mitchell, Ph.D.
E-mail: mmitchel@w
Phone: 678-839-4852
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 325Joseph Monaghan, M.F.A.
E-mail: jmonagha@w
Phone: 678-839-4702
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Martha Munro Hall Room: 207DDelight Moore
E-mail: delightm@westg
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AJohn Morris, M.F.A.
E-mail: johnm@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5995
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 355Garrett Motes
E-mail: gmotes@westg
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingChristopher Mothersole, M.Perf.
E-mail: cmothers@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building
Elizabeth Nakoa
E-mail: enakoa@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5450
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingDawn Neely, D.M.A.
E-mail: dneely@westg
Phone: 678-839-6265
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 337ADominic Nguyen
E-mail: dnguyen@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Humanities Building Room: 344Stephanie Norton
E-mail: stephanien@west
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/A
Lisa Osbeck, Ph.D.
E-mail: losbeck@westg
Phone: 678-839-0604
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 124
Keith Pacholl, Ph.D.
E-mail: kpacholl@we
Phone: 678-839-6044
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3244Jeffrey Pannekoek, Ph.D.
E-mail: jpannekoek@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/ATiffany A. Parsons, Ph.D.
E-mail: tparsons@w
Phone: 678-839-6335
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 207CBryan Perry, M.F.A.
E-mail: bperry@we
Phone: 678-839-6521
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 343Charles Powers
E-mail: charlesp@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AHaley Price
E-mail: hprice@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-5450
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Humanities Building
Stephen Quesinberry, M.Ed.
E-mail: squesinb@west
Phone: 404-667-2850
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Newnan Center Building 1000 Room: 186
Nathan Rees, Ph.D.
E-mail: nrees@w
Phone: 678-839-4955
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 226Myra Rhoden
E-mail: mrhoden@w
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingWalter Riker, Ph.D.
E-mail: wriker@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5317
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3245Larry Rivers, Ph.D.
E-mail: lrivers@w
Phone: 678-839-6038
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3220John L. Roberts, Ph.D.
E-mail: jroberts@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-0615
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 203Weston Robins
E-mail: wrobins@west
Phone: 678-839-6510
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ASheena Rowe
E-mail: srowe@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-0613
Department: Dean's Office CHASS
Location: Humanities Building Room: 139
Jennifer Salamone
E-mail: jsalamone@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingAlina Samolesky
E-mail: asamoles@w
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/AClint Samples, M.F.A.
E-mail: csamples@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-5450
Department: Dean's Office CHASS
Location: Humanities Building Room: 145Debrah Santini
E-mail: dsantini@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/AMark Schoon, M.F.A.
E-mail: mschoon@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-4947
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 354Cale Self, DMA
E-mail: tcself@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6268
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 335AKevin Shunn
E-mail: kshunn@w
Phone: 678-839-4960
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 234Christine Simmonds-Moore, Ph.D.
E-mail: csimmond@we
Phone: 678-839-5334
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 215Kathleen Skott-Myhre, Psy.D.
E-mail: kskott@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-0624
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 123Stephanie Smith, M.F.A.
E-mail: slsmith@westg
Phone: 678-839-4950
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Visual Arts Building Room: 128Debbie Snider
E-mail: dsnider@w
Phone: 678-839-6455
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1208Marjorie Snipes, Ph.D.
E-mail: msnipes@we
Phone: 678-839-6453
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Miller Hall Room: 1211Elizabeth Solis, M.A.
E-mail: esolis@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-6515
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 317Nan Stephens
E-mail: nstephen@w
Phone: 678-839-1858
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Old Auditorium Room: Costume ShopJason Swift, Ed.D., M.F.A.
E-mail: jswift@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-6521
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 232A
Justin Tarver
E-mail: jtarver@west
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Gunn Hall Room: A208Anthony Thomason
E-mail: athomaso@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/ARosa Traversa, Ph.D.
E-mail: rtraversa@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-0602
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 105Felix Tweraser, Ph.D.
E-mail: ftwerase@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5494
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Cobb Hall Room: 115James Tyler
E-mail: jamest@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-3819
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: N/A
Alison Umminger, Ph.D.
E-mail: aumminge@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-4857
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 323
Jessica Vanlanduyt
E-mail: jvanland@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AGary VanValen, Ph.D.
E-mail: gvanvale@w
Phone: 678-839-6036
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3206Colleen Vasconcellos, Ph.D.
E-mail: cvasconc@westga.e du
Phone: 678-839-6032
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Technology Learning Center Room: 3208Arielle Vaughan, M.A.
E-mail: akorsgaa@w
Phone: 678-839-2432
Department: Dean's Office CHASS
Location: Humanities Building Room: 146
Ricky Warren
E-mail: rwarren@we
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: N/AMatthew Watts
E-mail: mwatts@w
Phone: 678-839-5000
Department: School of Humanities
Location: N/AJennifer Beggs Weber, Ph.D.
E-mail: jbweber@wes
Phone: 678-839-4896
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 217Talia Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.
E-mail: tweiner@west
Phone: 678-839-0606
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Melson Hall Room: 113Brad Whitfield
E-mail: bwhitfie@westga. edu
Phone: 678-839-4700
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities BuildingElroi J. Windsor, Ph.D.
E-mail: ewindsor@westga .edu
Phone: 678-839-6333
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 205BLaura Wolfe
E-mail: lwolfe@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-4956
Department: School of Visual and Performing Arts
Location: Humanities Building Room: 228Viviene Wood, M.A.
E-mail: vwood@westga.ed u
Phone: 678-839-5339
Department: School of Social Sciences
Location: Pafford Social Science Building Room: 204
Ana Zapata-Calle, Ph.D.
E-mail: azapata@w
Phone: 678-839-6515
Department: School of Humanities
Location: Boyd Building Room: 210