Corey Maggiano, Ph.D.

Dr. Corey Maggiano is a Biological Anthropologist and Skeletal Biologist investigating the microstructure and chemistry of bone for applications in bioarchaeology, forensics, anatomy and musculoskeletal health.  Originally from rural Appalachia, Dr. Maggiano received his M.Sc. in Biology from the University of Central Florida and his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Ohio State University.  During his post-doctoral training with the Collaborative Training Program in Musculoskeletal Health (then the JuMP program) and his tenure as a Banting Fellow working with the Anthropology and Earth Sciences Departments at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, Dr. Maggiano combined histological and stable isotopic analyses to integrate biological, behavioral, and environmental inquiry in single bone fragments.  He is currently an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Biological and Forensic Anthropology Lab here at the University of West Georgia.  He teaches Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Osteology, Human Origins, Forensics, and special topics courses like Genes and Genomania.  His other interests include biological and cultural evolutionary theory and philosophy of science.

Fall 2024 Sections

Summer 2024 Sections

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Summer 2023 Sections

Spring 2023 Sections

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Spring 2022 Sections

Fall 2021 Sections

Summer 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections

Fall 2020 Sections

Maggiano CM, Maggiano IM (2022) Histomorphology of Un-Decalcified Bone in Mesoamerican Bioarchaeology. In: Tiesler V (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mesoamerican Bioarchaeology. Routledge [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano IM, Maggiano CM, Cooper DML (2021) Osteon circularity and longitudinal morphology: Quantitative and qualitative three-dimensional perspectives on human Haversian systems. Micron 140: 102955 [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C, White C, Stern R, Peralta S, Longstaffe F (2019) Focus: Oxygen isotope microanalysis across incremental layers of human bone: Exploring archaeological reconstruction of short term mobility and seasonal climate change. Journal of Archaeological [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C, Maggiano I, Tiesler V, Chi-Keb JR, Stout S. (2016) Methods and theory in bone modeling drift: Comparing spatial analyses of primary bone distributions in the human humerus. Journal of Anatomy. 228:190-202. [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano I, Maggiano C, Clement JG, Thomas CDL, Carter Y, Cooper D. (2016) Three-dimensional reconstruction of Haversian systems in human cortical bone using synchrotron radiation-based Micro-CT: Morphology and quantification of branching and transverse co [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano I, Maggiano C, Tiesler V, Chi-Keb JR, Stout S. (2015) Drifting diaphyses: Asymmetry in diametric growth and adaptation along the humeral and femoral length. Anatomical Record. 298:1689-99. [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C. (2012) Making the mold: A microstructural perspective on bone modeling during growth and mechanical adaptation. In: Bone Histology: An Anthropological Perspective. Stout S and Crowder C (eds). New York: CRC [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C. (2012) Functión de la modelación ósea y su variabilidad durante el crecemiento y la adaptación mecánica. In: Métodos y Aplicaciones de Histomorfología en Hueso Descalcificado. Tiesler V (ed.) Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yuca

Maggiano C. (2012) Physical anthropology and your world. In: Introduction to physical anthropology: Anthropology 2200 Laboratory course packet. Stewart MC and Sadvari JW (eds). Columbus: McGraw-Hill

Maggiano I, Maggiano C, Tiesler V, Kierdorf H, Stout S, Schultz M. (2011) A distinct region of microarchitectural variation in femoral compact bone: Histomorphology of the endosteal lamellar pocket. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 21:743-50 [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C, Dupras T, Schultz M, Biggerstaff J. (2009) Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy: A flexible tool for polarized light and three-dimensional fluorescence imaging of archaeological compact bone histology. Journal of Archaeological Sciences 36:2392-2 [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano I, Schultz M, Kierdorf H, Sierra Sosa T, Maggiano C, Tiesler V. (2008) Cross-sectional analysis of long bones, occupational activities, and long-distance trade of the Classic Maya from Xcambó: Archaeological and osteological evidence. American Jo [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C, Dupras T, Schultz M, Biggerstaff J. (2006) Spectral and Photobleaching Analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy: A comparison of modern and archaeological bone fluorescence. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 20(3-4):154-62 [View Publication External Resource]

Maggiano C, Dupras T, Biggerstaff J. (2003) Ancient antibiotics: evidence for tetracycline in human and animal bone from Kellis. In: A.J. Mills and C.A. Hope (eds). The Dakhleh Oasis Monograph. Vol 3. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 331-44