Talia Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.

I am a broadly trained critical psychologist, psychological/medical anthropologist, and Licensed Professional Counselor, with community-engaged research and teaching interests centered on structural inequalities in clinical training and practice, cross-cultural accounts of psychiatric categories and lived experiences, neurodiversity, mental health and (dis)ability-based social movements, the professional life course of psychotherapists, and moral and political economies of mental healthcare in the United States. I earned my doctorate in the interdisciplinary Department of Comparative Human Development at the University of Chicago, my M.A. in Clinical Counseling and Psychotherapy from the Institute for Clinical Social Work, and my B.A. in Psychology and English Literature from Swarthmore College. Prior to joining the Psychology faculty at UWG, I completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Bioethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, where I conducted primary care research about infant feeding and perinatal mental health. I am the director of the Clinical Ethnography Lab at UWG, where I work with students to use ethnographic research methodologies to explore the intersections of clinical interactions, cultural conventions, political processes, and lived experiences. My first book, entitled Home of the Blues: The Political Economy of Mood Disorder Self-Management in 21st Century Chicago, is under contract with NYU Press' "Anthropologies of American Medicine: Culture, Power, and Practice" series. 

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  • PSYC-3150 (Abnormal Psychology) Section: E02

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  • PSYC-3150 (Abnormal Psychology) Section: E01
  • PSYC-4350 (Culture and Psychology) Section: E04
  • PSYC-7810D (Research Workshop 1) Section: 01

Weiner, T. (in press). Relationality, Contextual Embeddedness, and the Inextricable Self of the Researcher in Ethnographic Interviewing. Accepted by Qualitative Psychology for special issue on Ethnography.

Weiner, T. (Under contract). Home of the Blues: The Political Economy of Mood Disorder Self-Management in 21st Century Chicago. New York: NYU Press, “Anthropologies of American Medicine” series.

Weiner, T. (2021). Autism in the Interstices: Toward an Ethical Understanding of Autistic Cultural Worlds. (Review of Fein, Living on the Spectrum: Autism and Youth in Community.)Theory & Psychology. [View Publication External Resource]

Weiner, T. (2020). The Recuperation of Moral Agency through Structural Erasure in Clinical Social Workers’ Accounts of Career Path and Treatment Decisions. Smith College Studies in Social Work.(Special Issue: “Social Class and Social Work Practice) [View Publication External Resource]

Weiner, T. (2019). Billable Services and the ‘Therapeutic Fee’: On the Work of Disavowal of PoliticalEconomy and its Re-emergence in Clinical Practice. Anthropological Quarterly, 92(3). (Special Collection:“Remuneration in an Unequal World”) [View Publication External Resource]

Weiner, T. (2011). The (Un)managed Self: Paradoxical Forms of Agency in Self-Management of BipolarDisorder. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 35, pp. 448–483. [View Publication External Resource]

Cohler, B. & Weiner, T. (2011). The Inner Fortress: Symptom and Meaning in Asperger’s Syndrome. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 31(3), pp. 208–221.

Weiner, T. (2005-2006). Walking After Midnight: Linda Mae, Homeless at Seventy-one. Salt, 61-62, pp. 106-110. (Visual ethnography published by the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, Portland, ME) [View Publication External Resource]