Okan Arslan

Okan Arslan

Assistant Professor

Office Hours:
By appointment
Logan Arrington, Ph.D.

Logan Arrington, Ph.D.

Interim Department Chair

Education Annex RM 238
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Kim C. Huett, Ed.D.

Kim C. Huett, Ed.D.

Associate Professor

Education Annex RM 129
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Sungwoong Lee

Sungwoong Lee

Associate Professor and Assistant Chair

Education Annex RM 148
Office Hours:
By appointment
Allyson Wilcox, Ph.D.

Allyson Wilcox, Ph.D.


Danilo M. Baylen, EdD, MLIS, MA, MSEd

Danilo M. Baylen, EdD, MLIS, MA, MSEd

Professor of IT, Media & Design

Education Annex RM 150
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Li Cao, Ph.D.

Li Cao, Ph.D.


Education Annex RM 147
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Ye Chen, Ph.D.

Ye Chen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Education Annex RM 140
Office Hours:
By appointment
Adriana D'Alba, Ph.D.

Adriana D'Alba, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Education Annex
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
John Hampton

John Hampton

Assistant Professor

Education Annex RM 144
Office Hours:
Online by Appointment
Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.

Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.


Education Annex RM 125
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Brian Lane

Brian Lane

Director of Technology Innovations and Instructor

Education Center RM Innovations Lab
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Jessica M. Lilly, Ed.D.

Jessica M. Lilly, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor

Thomas A. Peterson, Ed. D.

Thomas A. Peterson, Ed. D.

Associate Professor

Education Annex RM 151
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Terrie L. Ponder

Terrie L. Ponder

Director of UWGLive Simulations & Instructor

Education Center RM 202B
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Karina Quilantan-Garza

Karina Quilantan-Garza


Office Hours:
By appointment
Laura Sheneman, Ed.D

Laura Sheneman, Ed.D


Education Annex
Office Hours:
By appointment
Mary Beth Slone, Ph.D.

Mary Beth Slone, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Education Center RM 222
Office Hours:
By appointment
Jessica Thompson, Ed.D.

Jessica Thompson, Ed.D.

SLM Program Coordinator

Education Annex
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Yan Yang, Ph.D.

Yan Yang, Ph.D.


Education Annex RM 149
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Luke Ziegler

Luke Ziegler

Limited Term Clinical Professor