College of Education Departments

Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology
Our goal is to prepare exemplary practitioners who make a meaningful difference in the community and in the lives of the individuals with whom they work. This includes preparing exemplary practitioners to deliver evidence-based practices to diverse individuals, bring about systemic change, and provide outreach to the community, by delivering speech-language pathology, audiology, developmental reading instruction, special education, counseling, and related diagnostic and educational services.
Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology Services page.
Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology Website$
Early Childhood through Secondary Education
Our goal is to develop reflective educators who facilitate challenging learning environments for students from Pre-K to 12th grade. We engage our candidates in diverse learning environments, simulate best teaching practices, and integrate technology, to empower our candidates with the skills to be leaders. We are dedicated to improving education through purposeful teaching, community interactions, critical reflection, and research.
Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Department of Early Childhood through Secondary Education Services page.
Early Childhood through Secondary Education Website$
Educational Technology and Foundations
Our mission is to prepare educators through authentic learning experiences, active engagement, and innovative strategies relevant to contemporary learners. Our faculty provides opportunities for students to think deeply about learning, cognition, and the application of technologies to support learning in various environments.
School Library Media Programs Instructional Design and Technology Programs
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Educational Technology and Foundations Services page.
Educational Technology and Foundations Website$
Leadership, Research, and School Improvement
We strive to develop graduates who are able to contribute to a rapidly changing society where the jobs and schools of tomorrow are not even defined today. Our programs are market responsive and forward thinking in terms of academics and delivery. We are strategic in our quest for diversity and intend to produce leader candidates who quest for a lifetime of learning. We also seek to impact both current students and the greater UWG community in the overall pursuit of personal wellness.
Educational Leadership School Improvement
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement Services page.
Leadership, Research, and School Improvement Website$
Special Education
We offer a number of robust degree programs that work to develop educators who positively affect school aged children with unique needs and diverse abilities.
Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Special Education Services page.
Special Education Website$
Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education
We believe that individuals and society benefit from physical activity and overall health education. Our department covers everything from the business aspect of the sports industry to the health education of school aged children in our Physical Education program.
Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions
Our department also offers various services and professional development options. For more information, please visit the Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education Services page.
Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education Website$