The online Master of Education with a Major in Media (Instructional Technology Concentration) degree is designed to prepare progressive, innovative, academically grounded instructional technologists. Graduates of the program apply their skills in P-12 schools, higher education, and corporate, health care, and government organizations. While learning in the program, students collaborate with various stakeholders through an array of technology-based tools and applications. Through professional field experiences and clinical practices, the learning experiences are performance-based and problem-based. Faculty teaching in the program is grounded in theoretical perspectives, instructional design strategies, and practical application of knowledge to ensure candidates can immediately apply what they learn in diverse educational settings.


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The purpose of the Ed.S. program in Instructional Technology is to provide superior student-focused education that is personally relevant and intellectually challenging. The program is committed to the following areas of excellence:
  • Preparing progressive, innovative, academically grounded instructional technologists;

  • Building and enhancing skills in research and program evaluation to support instructional growth and improvement;

  • Developing innovative delivery options to maximize educational experiences;

  • Cultivating diversity of ideas, values, and persons responsive to changing needs and technologies; and

  • Promoting the advancement of learning through scholarship and service.


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A Certification-Only Option is available for students who wish to add certification in Instructional Technology but do not wish to earn another advanced degree. The admission requirements and courses for the Certification-Only Option are shown on the Program of Study.


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The Online Teaching Endorsement program prepares educators to design, facilitate, and manage instruction in an online format. Participants are prepared to assume a role as leaders in online learning for their organization.


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Contact Us

Contact Educational Technology and Foundations:

Phone: 678-839-6558