Constructing a Syllabus

University Requirements

University Requirements

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Purpose of a Syllabus

A thoughtfully constructed syllabus provides essential information about an instructor’s intentions for the course and expectations for student performance and conduct. When designed effectively, a syllabus can also serve as a learning tool that supports student success.

Syllabi Requirements

The University of West Georgia community has worked to compose key elements of the syllabus. These elements illustrate our values as a community and help create consistency across courses. The following information is found in the UWG Faculty Handbook and lays out information that is REQUIRED to be included on a syllabus for all classes at UWG.

Components marked by an asterisk (*) are automatically included within all syllabi on Concourse. 

  1. All syllabi at the University of West Georgia must include the following information: (§201.01)
    • Course title*
    • course learning outcomes
    • course description*
    • course number and section*
    • term*
    • number of credit hours earned for successful completion*
    • method and mode of delivery (e.g., percentage online versus face-to-face instruction)
    • instructor information (name, office location, contact information, and office hours)
    • required reading(s), software, hardware, and other materials (if applicable)
    • and the system of evaluation and grading.
  2. Each syllabus must include a link to the online University of West Georgia document titled "Common Language for Course Syllabi" ( The following paragraph provides suggested language for insertion in all course syllabi. Faculty may wish to adjust the language, but the link to required information must be in each syllabus. Students, please carefully review the following information at this link []. It contains important material pertaining to your rights and responsibilities in this class. Because these statements are updated as federal, state, and accreditation standards change, you should review the information each semester. (§201.01)
  3. Syllabi for courses that are part of the Core Curriculum must include a statement of the learning outcomes of the relevant section of the Core Curriculum, and the content in each of these courses must adhere to these Core Curriculum learning outcomes. (§201.02)*
  4. Faculty shall include in their syllabi a link to the university's statement on academic dishonesty and the honor code: It is the student's responsibility to comply with the university guidelines on academic honesty regardless of whether or not an instructor reminds students of these policies in class or on a course syllabus. However, faculty members are encouraged to define for their students, either in a course syllabus or in written guidelines presented in class or in electronic form, the standards of proper academic conduct, and what assistance is permissible in the preparation of reports, term or research papers, and outside projects, including policies for the use of materials prepared by the student for other courses and standards of academic honesty on tests. (§201.03)*
  5. All faculty (teaching face-to-face and/or online courses) shall state their attendance expectations and requirements in the syllabus. Instructors of online courses should define attendance based upon students accessing the course via the online platform or by other action as specified by the instructor. (§202)
  6. The instructor/advisor should inform the student of the academic penalty they intend to institute per the syllabus (UWG Student Handbook). (§206)

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Concourse syllabi at UWG

Concourse is the centralized syllabus management system for the University of West Georgia. All Concourse syllabi are integrated within CourseDen and linked to each course's navigation bar. Concourse syllabi are also available within faculty profiles on the UWG website. Sharing syllabi through Concourse provides students with a consistent and easily accessible course syllabus to keep track of essential information for each course at UWG. For guidance on getting started with Concourse, review the article Concourse: Syllabus Management.

How keeping syllabi up-to-date, and complete, in Concourse supports academic success:

  • Consistent location for course policies and expectations
  • Reflects course organization
  • Web-accessible for any device
  • Easy migration between semesters
  • Faster than updating an MS Word document
  • Syllabi can serve as a time management guide for students


The Institute for Faculty Excellence recommends that syllabi use learner-centered language. This approach shifts the language used from the instructor’s point of view to the student’s perspective.

A learner-centered course syllabus focuses on the needs of the students and their learning process. Instructors specifically include information that will facilitate the academic success of students. Generally, a learner-centered syllabus establishes a contact and connection between students and instructors.

A learner-centered syllabus:

  • Sets the tone for the course
  • Is written in positive language
  • Describes your beliefs about learning, teaching and assessment
  • Puts learning goals and objectives central to the course
  • Sets up the structure of the course
  • Defines student responsibilities for success
  • Helps students determine their readiness for the course
  • States how the course fits into the curriculum and overall program
  • Describes available learning resources
  • Communicates technology requirements for the course
  • Contains difficult-to-obtain reading materials
  • Describes effective student study habits and offers a schedule to support time management
  • Establishes a welcoming and supportive learning environment
  • Invites students to take responsibility of their learning and success


Additional information on creating learner-centered syllabi:

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(678) 839-5289

First Floor, Old Auditorium

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.