Application and Audition Guide
our concentrations
UWG Music offers three concentrations: Music Education, Performance, and Composition. We have emphases in Piano Pedagogy and Jazz Studies, as well as a Music Minor. Each of these NASM-accredited programs includes private lessons, ensembles, and a core of classes like Music Theory and Music History. Music Education majors take classes to become certified teachers in Georgia Public Schools, and we have an excellent track record of placing graduates in teaching jobs. Performance and Composition majors study their areas intensively, leading to impressive recitals.
UWG Music offers merit scholarships based on auditions, and you should apply for university-wide scholarships as well. Beyond scholarships, though, UWG is an incredible value. We provide a top notch education, but the total cost of attendance is among the lowest of our competitors—and that's what matters if you want to keep your bills low.
How to Apply
Applying to be a Music Major at UWG involves three steps:
- Fill out an application to the University of West Georgia:
Undergraduate Graduate - Fill out a second application to apply to audition for UWG Music Program.
- Perform your audition—we have flexible formats!
NOTE: You may audition before you are admitted to the university. However, scholarships and admission to UWG Music are contingent upon admission to the university.
Students wishing to declare a major or minor in Music, or to be eligible for scholarships in Music, must audition.
A successful audition is required to declare following degree programs:
- Bachelor of Music (all concentrations)
- Master of Music with a concentration in Performance
- Music Minor
- Interdisciplinary Certificate in Musical Theatre
UWG students majoring in disciplines outside of Music must also audition for scholarship and ensemble opportunities.
If you wish to be considered for a scholarship, it is highly recommended that you audition during our Destination: Music event held on Presidents' Day each February.
Review the audition dates and requirements
Audition Dates
Students are encouraged to audition for the music program during our Destination: Music event in February each Presidents' Day. Please submit your audition application, and you will be contacted to arrange an audition specifically for you, either in person or via distance technology. Other audition dates can be arranged as needed. Students may audition during the spring and summer semesters until early August.
Additional On Campus Audition Dates
For additional dates, please contact Dr. Dawn Neely ( to sign up for vocal auditions and Dr. Josh Byrd ( to sign up for instrumental auditions.
Undergraduate Music Admission Requirements
Perform from memory two contrasting solos: English for both songs is fine, but if you have a song in Italian, Spanish, Latin, French or German, we encourage you to sing one song in a language other than English.
Types of songs you should sing:
- Art music (such as songs published in the 24- or 28- Italian Songs and Arias listed below), musical theatre, spirituals, and folk songs are acceptable for auditions.
- Keyboard accompaniments are preferred. You may bring your own accompanist or one will be provided upon request.
- Tracks are acceptable for one song.
- If auditioning by video, please try to use tracks with piano rather than instrumental accompaniments. Some examples are below, but please do not hesitate to inquire about your chosen audition songs.
Books for Italian Art Songs
- 24 Italian Songs and Arias of the 17th and 18th Centuries (in medium high and medium low voice), G. Schirmer, Inc.
- 28 Italian Songs and Arias of the 17th and 18th Centuries (in high, medium high, medium, medium low and low voice), G. Schirmer, Inc.
- You may sing the Italian song from the GMEA All-State Chorus audition, but you are encouraged to learn the full version for the UWG audition.
Examples of Books with appropriate English songs
- Musical Theatre songs in the Musical Theatre Anthology series
- 15 American Art Songs (low and high voice), G. Schirmer, Inc.
- Folk Songs for Solo Singers, Ed. Jay Althouse, Alfred Music
- 15 Easy Folk Songs (high and low voice), Hal Leonard
English or other language songs in:
- First/Second Book Series (such as First Book of Soprano Solos), Compiled by Joan Frey Boytim, G. Schirmer, Inc.
- Easy Songs for Beginning (soprano, mezzo, tenor, baritone), G. Schirmer, Inc.
- Standard Vocal Literature (soprano, mezzo, tenor, baritone/bass), Hal Leonard
- Hall Johnson spiritual arrangements
Please contact Dr. Dawn Neely ( with further questions about appropriate repertoire.
Perform a published solo (preferred) or étude such as those required for solo festival. Accompaniments are not required.
Perform a published solo or étude for snare drum, timpani and keyboard percussion.
Perform from memory two contrasting standard repertoire pieces from two different style periods.
Additional requirements for Music Composition
In addition to the performance audition, students who intend to major in Music Composition must submit an audio portfolio of at least two original compositions totaling a minimum of five minutes in length to Submission of scores is strongly encouraged.
Letter of Recommendation
If you are a high school senior (or recent high school graduate), you will need a letter of recommendation from a music teacher who is familiar with your performance skills. A letter of recommendation is simply a brief letter written by a professional (i.e. your music teacher) explaining why you are qualified to study music at the collegiate level.
Have your music teacher submit their letter via email to
Audition Application
Be sure you have the following items ready before beginning the audition application:
- Personal and contact information
- Your ACT and/or SAT scores, if available
- Information of your GPA from High School and/or college
- Information regarding your audition music
Complete and submit the application no later than one week prior to your audition.
After we receive your application we will notify you of your audition time.
Be in Touch
Demo Lessons: Get to know a faculty member through a free demo lesson.
Questions? Email
You've had years of music experience and are about to make the next step in your musical journey. Prior to the audition, you will want to review the specific requirements for your instrument or voice type. Ask your music teacher about what they think will make a successful audition; chances are they've done it before you. You will want to practice in front of a mirror - or a friend - to have a "dry run" before your actual audition (remember to dress up as if you were at the actual audition!). On the subject of dressing up, remember that the audition is a both a presentation of your skills as well as our first time formally meeting you - be sure to present yourself as the professional you aspire to be!
There are a number of restaurants a short drive from campus. Even better though, we have multiple fantastic dining locations on campus. Visit our Dining Services page for further information.
Finally, on each audition day we will have a lounge with coffee, tea and water along with a few snacks available for auditioning students and their parents.
This is totally up to you! Practice rooms are available for you to warm up prior to your audition. Allow enough time for parking and checking in, and then however much time you need to warm up and be prepared to play your audition.
Most auditions are 15 minutes long. Undergraduate auditions range from 10 to 20 minutes, and graduate auditions range from 15-30 minutes.
We recommend wearing nice pants and shirt for men, and a dress/skirt or nice pants for women. You should look professional but be comfortable.
We provide accompanists for voice auditions. For undergraduate vocalists, you will have a chance to speak with your accompanist a few minutes prior to your audition to discuss tempos, entrances, etc. For graduate vocalists, we have assigned an accompanist to you. You should have heard from them by now. If not, please contact us at For all others, we do not require accompanists for your audition. If you would like an accompanist, however, please contact us, and we can send you a list of some of our graduate collaborative piano students who you may contact directly about accompanying your audition.