Credit Hours: 30

Learn More about the MAT: Special Education - General Curriculum Program

The Special Education MAT program is a 30-credit hour program available for individuals who hold an existing, approved degree in any field. This program leads to certification in grades p-12 and gives the student a Masters degree at the same time. 

The General Curriculum track prepares M.A.T. teacher candidates to teach students with mild disabilities who receive instruction using the general education curriculum and who participate in general statewide assessments. Specific categories of mild disabilities include learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, other health impairments, and mild intellectual disability. Teacher candidates are also prepared to teach students in special education preschool settings (ages 3-5 years).

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program sheet, which provides a required coursework sequence, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

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