The University of West Georgia is the state's best in preparing certified leaders. As the state's largest and most successful program, UWG developed nearly one-third of Georgia's newly certified leaders in 2020. 

The Tier 1 Educational Leadership Certification is considered entry-level that prepares candidates for P-12 school level positions below the principal and for district level positions that do not supervise principals. All interested candidates currently without leadership certification in Georgia must start with this program as Tier 1 is an initial certification program designed for classroom teachers and candidates in leadership roles who intend to assume leadership positions in the future.

The Tier 1 program leads to a certification that's clear and renewable. This certificate is earned completely online. Candidates must complete a master's degree (or higher) first,  and then add the Tier 1 Leadership Certification.

Please visit the program's webpage here. 

Click here to request more information about the Educational Leadership Program!

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog.

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