Administrative Services

Campus Planning and Facilities
Campus Planning and Facilities is committed to planning, operating, protecting, and sustaining the UWG campus. This is achieved by promoting a culture of planning by aligning the campus environment with the strategic mission of the university and establishing clear metrics and performance indicators.
Emergency Management
Emergency Management is committed to administering a campus-based comprehensive emergency management program through enhancing partnerships and coordinating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the University's ability to mitigate, protect, and prevent against and recover from threats and hazards.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources is committed to making UWG the best place to work, learn, and succeed by providing easy-to-find information and forms and by helping each employee -- and prospective employee -- understand what it truly means to Work West.
Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services provides innovative, customer-focused IT services, effective IT leadership and planning, and a secure and robust technical infrastructure that supports the academic and administrative goals of the University.