Emergency Management

The Department of Emergency Management administers a campus-based comprehensive emergency management program through enhancing partnerships and coordinating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the University’s ability to mitigate, protect, and prevent against; respond to; and recover from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards.
UWG has adopted the principals and concepts of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and maintains trained staff to implement incident management functions on campus. The University also collaborates with local public safety and emergency service agencies to ensure seamless integration of resources when needed.
The University of West Georgia Emergency Management Department ensures that the UWG campus is a Disaster-Resistant University through comprehensive preparedness activities and community engagement.
- Emergency Management administers a comprehensive all hazards emergency management program, which includes:
- Oversees the development, maintenance, and implementation of the all-hazard Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).
- Facilitates whole community engagement in hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness activities.
- Organizes and implements training and exercise activities to build, evaluate, improve, and sustain preparedness, response and recovery capabilities.
- Assists in event and consequence management planning and leads incident management activities.
- Oversees the development, maintenance, and implementation of UWG Continuity planning.
- Collaborates and liaises with local, state, federal, and non-governmental agencies for multi-agency training and coordination.
- Assists in disaster recovery processes and programs.