The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies is an inquiry-centered degree for students who want to engage in extended study of a complex problem--one with multiple dimensions or interacting parts that cannot be adequately addressed fully within the confines of a single discipline (field of study). For example, a comprehensive answer to the question, “Can democracy work at a global scale?”, would need to combine insights from a mix of disciplines, such as political science, sociology, mass communications, psychology, geography, economics, philosophy, history, and literature. Addressing complex problems necessitates: 

  • depth of knowledge in multiple academic fields,
  • intellectual boundary-crossing in search of ideas, concepts, and techniques, and 
  • integration of these to produce a comprehensive solution or understanding. 

Thus, the BIS offers an academic pathway for students who want to work both within and across multiple academic disciplines while systematically developing the techniques and tools of interdisciplinary inquiry and problem-solving.

Students in the BIS program have the option of two types of interdisciplinary pathway:

  • SELF-DESIGNED PATHWAY--Working with a BIS advisor and two disciplinary mentors, the student articulates a degree theme that reflects her or his intellectual and/or career interests and goals and develops a BIS Degree Plan around that theme.
  • PRE-DESIGNED PATHWAY--Choose among pathways designed by UWG faculty experts, including:
    • Film
    • Urban Studies.

 CONTACT: Dr. Neema Noori, Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies,

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program brochure is available for download in the Courses tab below.