Wolf Wellness Logo

"We are a no-judgment zone space that is open to all walks of life and all starting points!"

Bridgette Stewart
Director, Wolf Wellness Lab

Who We Are

The Mission of the Wolf Wellness Lab (PDF) is to provide leadership, education, advocacy, and services to develop and promote a culture of health and maximize the well-being of UWG students, faculty, staff and the citizens of the surrounding community.

Wolf Wellness Lab Guidance

  • Educate and Inspire UWG leadership to actively support a culture of wellness
  • Develop a network of department Wellness Champions
  • Align existing resources, and put new resources in place as needed
  • Review policies and identify environmental changes to support wellness
  • Develop and nurture campus and community partnerships to support programs and initiatives
  • Operate the Wolf Wellness Lab

Development of Knowledge

  • Design, support, and implement wellness education programs
  • Support initiatives around Exercise is Medicine on campus
  • Design and implement training programs for Health and Community Wellness (CMWL) majors
  • Offer first aid and CPR training and certification courses

Support for a Cause

  • Encourage participation through leadership support, communications, and peer-support
  • Recognize participation, dedication, and success

How We Aid

  • Deliver health coaching services to UWG students, faculty, and staff and the surrounding community
  • Offer biometric screening services (DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, etc.)
  • Design and implement programs and initiatives to support and improve sport and mental performance for athletes
  • Maintain the Wolf Wellness Lab website and other virtual tools, including webinars and online coaching services

These goals are designed to address our population's needs for health and wellness

  • Improve the quality of life and overall well-being of UWG students, faculty, staff, and citizens of the surrounding community
  • Improve health outcomes through prevention, managing risk, and properly managing conditions
  • Help manage rising cost of healthcare, worker's compensation, and disability for UWG faculty/staff as one part of a comprehensive strategy to control cost
  • Provide hands-on learning experiences for health and community wellness majors