About the Center for Integrative Wellness
"The preventive path of the future, both for medicine and public health, inevitably lies largely in reorienting a substantial amount of interest and energy toward raising the general levels of wellness among all people." - Halbert L. Dunn 1959
Those words of the father of the wellness movement, Halbert L. Dunn, still ring true today over six decades later. Prioritizing wellness is key to thriving and optimizing health and happiness. It is a continuous process that requires time, effort, awareness, and attention on a daily basis. It is a holistic integration of all areas of life that allows you to be the best version of yourself.
Our Mission
The Center for Integrative Wellness cultivates a collaborative environment focused on holistic health and wellness services, resources, education, and research for students, employees, and the West Georgia community.
Our Vision
To be a first-choice institution that mindfully transforms the health and wellness of those we are in service to and our surrounding societies through collaboration, a sense of belonging, and diverse campus and community engagement.
Our Staff

Contact Us:
The Center for Integrative Wellness is located in the Wolf Wellness Lab in the Coliseum.
Address: 325 West Georgia Drive, Carrollton, GA 30117
Email: wolfwellness@westga.edu
Phone: (678) 839-6194