12-24 months| Credit Hours: 21

The Non-Degree Certification program in School Library Media is designed to prepare individuals to serve as building-level school library media specialists (also known as “school librarians”) in PK-12 schools.

Program Highlights:

  • 100% online courses facilitated by experienced online instructors 
  • Low or no cost textbooks
  • Coursework focused exclusively on the PK-12 instructional program 
  • Relevant, real-world learning experiences designed to prepare students to serve in both face-to-face and virtual environments
  • Multiple full-time faculty with extensive experience serving as PK-12 building-level media specialists and district-level media/technology coordinators
  • Coursework aligned to the ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards (2019) 
  • Many program alumni are state and national award winners and serve in leadership roles in the greater school library and instructional technology fields
  • Flexible field experience requirement - for more information, click here.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program sheet, which provides a required coursework sequence, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

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