DSST exams are credit-by-exam testing available to anyone with background knowledge in a particular subject area. Candidates who receive a passing test score can receive college credit to save time and money towards graduation.

Each institution determines its passing score requirements for a DSST exam. Please see UWG's DSST course and score requirements for more information.

A valid photo ID must be presented during check-in for your testing appointment.

There are two fees associated with DSST testing.

  • $100 fee paid online to DSST prior to beginning your exam in the testing center
  • $15 testing fee


Register for DSST Exam


Examinees can create their DSST account ahead of time by visiting the Prometric website. Examinees will complete their test registration and DSST payment upon arrival at the testing center.

DSST exams are funded by the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) and are free for eligible military personnel and civilian employees. Military candidates are funded for one-attempt for each test title. Military testing IDs accepted include drivers license, passport, or military CAC card.

Candidates must wait 30 days to retest.

The Get College Credit website has more information regarding DSST exams.


To schedule your appointment, please contact our office by email testwest@westga.edu