
Boyd Building - Room 314
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Download curriculum vitae for Matt Franks, Ph.D. in PDF
Matt Franks, Ph.D.

I am originally from the northern California coast, and I've been here at UWG since 2015. Some of my many hobbies include being outdoors, playing music, and birding.

In my research and teaching, I specialize in 20th-21st century British and postcolonial literatures. My work focuses on intersections between disability, queerness, race, and feminism. I am currently writing a book on the afterlife of eugenics in transatlantic 20th century texts. In this project, I examine how literary depictions of current reproductive politics continue to be overshadowed by eugenics practices of sterilization, institutionalization, and other forms of reproductive control.

  • B.A., Oberlin College, 2003
  • M.A., Humboldt State University, 2008
  • Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 2014

Fall 2024 Sections

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Spring 2023 Sections

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Spring 2022 Sections

Fall 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections

Fall 2020 Sections

Franks, Matt. “Crip/Queer Aesthetics of the Great War.” Modern Fiction Studies, 65.1, 2019.

Franks, Matt. “Breeding Aliens, Breeding AIDS: Male Pregnancy, Disability, and Barebacking in ‘Bloodchild.’” In The Matter of Disability: Biopolitics, Materiality, Crip Affect, edited by David Mitchell, Sharon Snyder, and Susan Antebi. University o

Matt Franks. “Serving on the Eugenic Homefront: Virginia Woolf, Race, and Disability.” Feminist Formations, vol. 29, no. 1, Spring 2017, pp. 1–24. [View Publication (PDF)]

Franks, Matt. "Mental Inversion, Modernist Aesthetics, and Disability Exceptionalism in Olive Moore’s Spleen." JML: Journal of Modern Literature 38.1, 2014. [View Publication (PDF)]